Sunday 1 March 2015

Improve Your Memory in Urdu | Improve Your Memory Power, Sharp Mind Tips in Urdu | improving your memory tips in urdu

Improve Your Memory in Urdu | Improve Your Memory Power, Sharp Mind Tips in Urdu | improving your memory tips in urdu

How to Improve Your Memory: 5 Simple Tips

Believe in yourself
Don't let negative expectations defeat you. If you expect to fail, you won't even try. If you find yourself thinking, "I can't remember names," substitute "I may forget some names, but after the conference I will always do better."

Focus your attention on what you really want to remember
No one can remember everything. So put effort and energy into those areas that are most important to you. Much of what is called forgetting is a lack of attention. Before you blame your memory, ask yourself if you were really paying attention.

Tension interferes with the memory process; relaxing often lets the memory come to the surface. When you feel anxious about the possibility of forgetting, you may become preoccupied with the anxiety and unable to concentrate on recalling the needed information. The solution is to take a deep breath and relax; often the information will come to you.

Give yourself plenty of time
People of all ages forget more frequently when they are rushing. In general, if you have enough time to think about what you need to accomplish, you are less likely to forget something. You may also find that you need more time for learning new information and for recalling information from long-term memory. Give yourself a little additional time and see if it helps in encoding and retrieving information.

Be organized
The old saying, "A place for everything, and everything in its place" is good advice for memory improvement. Make a decision to improve your organizational skills in whatever ways are important to you. If you routinely put your keys, glasses, purse, and bills in the same place, you will not waste time searching for them.

                  Easy Ways how to improve your memory 

Strong memory has direct linked with our brain, if our brain is health and vigor than our memory will also be strong. No matter you are a students or professional, in both cases you need a sharp memory in order to Impress your boss or senior employers and in case to case matter. There are several ways by which you can improve your memory are given below:

  1. Don't skimp on exercise or sleep
  2. Make time for friends and fun
  3. Relaxation
  4. Bulk up on brain-boosting foods
  5. Give your brain a workout
  6. Mnemonic devices and memorization
  7. Enhancing your ability to learn

Some people think that it is difficult to teach old dog with new tricks, which is strongly reject by the scientist. They argued that human brain has amazing ability to adapt the changes surrounding him/her. This ability is known as “Neuroplasticity”, we can easily strap up the natural ability of Neuroplasticity to increase our cognitive stamina.

Don’t skimp on exercise or sleep:

Good diet, exercise and sleep are necessary for good memory. Our ability to remember can increases when we use proper nutrition diet and other health supplements to care of brain.

  • When we exercise the body, we exercise the brain:

For human being exercise play an important role to maintain the body health. When we treat our body with exercise then we can enhance our recall information and process in better way or easily. Physical exercise protects our brain from disorder that linked with memory loss and increases the oxygen to the brain. Also it protects our brain cells and from other diseases like cardiovascular etc.

  • Improve your memory by sleeping on it:

Without Proper rest we cannot perform well and got difficulties in problem solving, critical thinking skills, and creativity mind. Deprived sleep leads disaster of our brain and cannot operate fully as compare to others who got proper rest. According to research sleep in important for memory consolidation.

Make time for friends and fun:

Being a social animal interaction is necessary, health or entertaining interaction affects your life style and even your health. Most of studies shows that a life with full of fun, good friends leads with cognitive benefits.

  • Healthy relationship:

As discuss above, human is a social animal and cannot survive alone whole life, it needs to interact with others, because healthy relationships stimulate our brain. Such kind of relationship provides best exercise to our brain. According to Harvard School of public health, people having most active social lives had the minimum rate of memory decline. Even people engage their self with their pets to entertainment themselves. These all activities are beneficiary for human brain and their memory.

  • Laughter is good for your brain:

Often we heard that laughter is best medicine to get out from worries as well as it relax our blood pressure and brain. Emotional responses engaged our limited area of brain, whereas laughter engaged multiple region of our brain. Also listening jokes and funny stories activates our creativity of brain. A Psychologist (Daniel Goleman) said, Laughter helps to people to think broadly and connect more freely.
 There are few important tips that can bring laughter in your life that are:

  • Laugh at yourself
  • When you hear laughter, move toward it
  • Spend maximum time with fun and joyful people
  • Surround yourself with reminders to lighten up
  • Pay attention to children and emulate them 


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